Monday, June 24, 2013

Be Humble in Your Gratitude Journal

Be grateful sign
It might look simple but when you actually sit down to write your first gratitude journal entry, this question can be a dilemma: "what will I write about?" Here are some tips for you:

How to Brainstorm for a Gratitude Journal

To get started with your gratitude journal, start with the basic things in life. Were you able to eat a full meal today? Did you have dinner as a family? Notice how these questions are basic but they comprise the things that most people do not pay attention to. Consider this step as a challenge because as you reflect on it, there might be more things in your life that you should have been thankful for apart from earning more money.

Deepen your thoughts. Move towards a wider level of appreciation once you get used to thinking about the basic things in life. Did you thank your boss for simply being there? Did you arrive home or drive to work safe? Did someone pick the newspaper for you? Things like this are usually not obvious to other people. Not that they do it deliberately; they just have a lot of things going on in their heads to notice.

Getting Started with a Gratitude List

Start with a few items; be specific. Begin your gratitude list with at least three to five items. Do not pressure yourself to think about 10 things when you can manage four. This practice equates to the respect you have for yourself when it comes to slowly learning the art of gratitude. And when you start your gratitude diary, make sure to make your entries as specific as possible. The advantage of doing so is it prompts your memory to relive a happy experience. Having these kinds of memories provides a healthy result: positive thinking.

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